Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My democratic perogative (isn't to spell poorly...)

So, State Election on Saturday.

Who's excited???????

Well, to be honest, not many people. Maybe Pete Adcock, because he's in the Young , er, Liberals.

But it's not much to jump around about, is it?

State politics is a thankless task. Get it right and everyone uses your precision hospitals, schools and buses without a word of thanks. Get it wrong and Quentin Dempster makes you feel a bit silly on Stateline. So hardly high praise or infamous glory.

Mind you, this time water is on the agenda and that's important. As are transport (including student cards, yes yes!) and health and education. They aren't moviestars like international peace or global warming (and I suppose exchange and interest rates matter to a lot of people too) but they make quite a difference to my life.

So, to wrap up this blather,

That's right, my own little poster. Because even voting in local council elections, which few of us seem to understand or care about anyway, we are exercising right which people fought for, died for and to this day, die without.

Goodness gracious, if I hear another girl say she's not interested in voting or is going to donkey vote (and who's the donkey then?) I'll throw her under the king's horse! For those who don't know their early 20th century history, type "suffragette" into a search engine. Or look in one of those book thingies.

So don't be bored with voting!

The current Premier certainly isn't!

. . . or maybe he's just about to sneeze


Eh? said...

But in most other areas they can do something unlike ours...

Anonymous said...

Bless you.

Well done, Sister Suffragette!

Bec said...

Oh Matt,
that's so sad. They can do a really really bad job, and you wouldn't like that. So there's someone who can do a less bad job and that'a who you vote for. Especially when the isssues do matter, most notably in this case, water. Plus, education and health are vital - you went to a good school, you gotta appreciate that!
And thanks Em!

Anonymous said...

You are most welcome - I wholeheartedly agree! I do not know a great deal about politics, but I still listen to the advice I am given and try to do what I think is best. 'Tis the least we can do, really, when so much hard work has gone into getting us to this point of relative freedom! Who knows how long it will last - we are warned it shall not be for ever. So take advantage of it now, for goodness' sake!

*Em climbs off soapbox without tripping over long skirt - that was a close one.*

Bec said...

Fight that marvellous fight!
Big, lovely, magnificent rightss which we brandish rather than cherishing!!!!
And should we not, because they are imperfect? I say no! Not at all!
Au contraire, we fight on.
The blood is up now!

Eh? said...

I meant OUR power of change...(i.e voting).

Since we do live in an area that has almost a 2:1 primary vote going to the MP in our area, we really don't have much power to change do we?

Ascasewwen said...

Matt, you don't have power to change anything if everyone thinks like that and therefore doesn't make any attempt to bring change.

And hooray for Bec and hooray for our rights.

Bec said...

So, Matt, your job is then to use your vote as a protest, to vote for the most likely rival to keep the incumbent on his toes. That's what I'm going to do, anyway.
Make sure he earns his keep, etc.
Because if he knows that a significant number didn't vote for him, he's less likely to be complacent about the issue.
I know what you mean, but I agree with Katoose - you can allow yourself a mindset that would be destructive if everyone had it. Because if it's ok for you to have, you've got to condone it in everyone else who has it too, and then we're in trouble! Thanks for reading my blog, by the way - I feel ... influential? Noisy, anyway!