Saturday, March 24, 2007

I did it!!!

Just a quick note to say I voted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, how highly surprising.
And then I watched the election coverage, where they tried to act like it wasn't a foregone conclusion. An exciting first election, eh?
Aaaand now, I finish posting. When there's something else to say, worth saying, I'll say it. Can't allow myself to be just a self obsessed blogger rambling about #1 ... not all the time, anyway!


Anonymous said...

He he he. Hooray for voting! You should have seen the poor 'absentee vote' people up at Lake Macquarie - they almost had heart attacks when CU arrived! He he he.

Ascasewwen said...

They looked like they were about to cry when they found out how many of us there were.

Anonymous said...

And I don't blame them - 50 people from various Sydney-ish electorates as well as the reglar absentee voters who probably wished they'd stayed at home...! lol.