Thursday, March 8, 2007

A first Post (with Plato!!!!)

I have intended this blog to be high minded in the extreme. To cover climate change and human rights and love and peace. To make a place where discussion can be wide ranging and clearly pragmatic.
But what actually gets my blood up enough to brave a volatile internet connection and write?
A local issue.
Here it is... (and anyone surfing who reads this, don't be put off if you aren't a NSW resident. I won't always be this parochial. I'm not a huge fan of blogs with a 2km radius of ideology.)
I went to get my tertiary student concession a few days ago. Grabbed a form and saw that I had to sign that I am not engaged in employment. What ho? Does this mean I can't employ people? Hardly a problem there. But I needed clarification.
I went to the student enquiries person to ask my question. I was serious in asking it.
But alas, I was met with a smirk. And quoth she:
" It's up to you, but I don't want to know about it."
Now that is NOT an answer to the question.
So I emailed the state transport ministry. No answer yet. But I rang them this morning and it turns out that although I am a full time student, because I work (less than 10 yours a week, generally), I am not entitled to concession.
Now, compared to the issues outlined above, this is minor. I freely admit. But here is why it matters and why Plato is in the heading.
1)Students pay tax. They pay GST. They pay HECS. They don't have much money (compared to other members of our extremely affluent society.) And so, there are student concessions. Great. But also, this means that they nearly ALL have jobs. So, is the State government out of touch or is it just tight fisted?
2) Plato:
".. what we have in mind is education from childhood in virtue, a training which produces a keen desire to become a perfect citizen who knows how to rule and be ruled, as justice demands. I suppose we should want to mark off this sort of training from others and reserve to title "education" for it alone."
So what is this student services lady at Macquarie Uni (name and shame) doing? Rather than facing the issue that she obviously thinks the rules are unfair? She's teaching students that when things aren't fair, just diddle the government.
Now, I don't know about you, but I think it stinks when the government lies to me. In consequence, to retain my moral high ground, I can hardly lie to the government. But nor can I afford the train and bus tickets coming my way.
The only answer is to take on the NSW government and win. Any suggestions would be very welcome. And help.
Petitions. Letters to MPs. (Mine is in opposition at present so I have a feeling he'd pass the buck, but I'll try anyway.
Because it isn't going to cost the government much more. But in moral terms it will cost students much less. And I have a feeling that students are sufficiently pliable that we can still teach decency (without words or lectures being necessary) even at a tertiary level.
And that's the first posting.
Hang in there!


Ascasewwen said...

Bec, you're a legend.

Anonymous said...

Yep! You are!

Douganator said...

skimmed this rather than thoroughly read it, mentioned something about politics. Long live liberals!