Monday, August 6, 2007

Amazing Grace

Hello All.
I saw the film Amazing Grace yesterday. I was it with my grandmother, my mother and my sister. Three generations of socially active, politically aware christians.
I have never been ashamed of Christ. But I have been ashamed of the church in the past (and present.) This film reminded me that the church and christians have plugged away at issues because as christians they had to. And they have won. And I needn't give up.
I suggest everyone sees it, whether or not they are christians. It doesn't bring you out on a high like a lot of very hyped movies. But there is a difference between red frogs and corned beef with potatoes. Only one of them will allow you to work until the end of the day.
It's a good film.
And then, once you've watched the film, have a look at
And f course, the song itself is wonderful. Sing it through slowly and quietly to yourself some time when you are alone. You'll see what I mean.
And that will be all.
Oh, wait. If anyone would like to be involved or sponser me, I am running the 40 hour famine at my church with one of my friends. Talk to me about that.

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